Did you ever try to email a long web address (URL) and find out it didnt work for your recipient? How about linking a long URL on your web site?
Well, there is a solution to this problem. Its called Tiny URL. You can go to the web site and paste your long URL into a simple form and get a short URL to email or post. You can also download a button for your browser's tool bar, click the button from any web page and get a tiny url . The tiny url never expires. So if you need to email the same link, such as directions, you can keep reusing it. There is even a plug-in for Firefox that helps you make, save and manage URLs.
Here is an example from a link giving directions. Long: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&
Short: http://tinyurl.com/38kj9m
Here is were you can find what you need.
Web site: http://tinyurl.com/
Tiny URL Creator: http://tinyurl.com/2pb7f8
Reimagining AI in education [EVENT]
3 days ago
Hi Michael,
Welcome to the blogosphere! I just started blogging after NECC07 in July. I am SO loving it! I have two blogs. Looks like we are both in the same profession. I love this tip. I see it in twitter - which, by the way, if you haven't joined up - you will hook up with some awesome people!
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